Royalty Free

Licensing of Our Royalty Free Photos


All photos on our web site are Royalty Free.

Royalty Free Pictures does not free but grants buyer a Royalty-free, or RF license allowing the right to use our copyrighted photos and intellectual property with no need to pay royalties or any other additional license fees to use photos for private or commercial use.

The benefits of Royalty Free Images

Photos of California Grants Royalty Free Rights to images purchased from the web site Every stock photo purchased and downloaded from the web site are Royal Free (RF).

Rights for a purchased RF stock photo licenses buyer:

  • A Non-Transferable: Our photos are licensed as a standard non-transferable license. Meaning that permission is not granted to share, resell nor transfer it to anyone other than the original purchaser of the image.
  • Non-exclusive: All images downloaded from our web site is licence as the standard non-exclusive RF stock. Meaning that the images are not exclusive to any buyer. If you require an exclusive for any particular photo, please contact us for exclusive rights options.
  • Perpetual – You are purchasing a perpetual Royalty Free Image and can use the image as long as you want. There are no time or quantity limitation on the use of any of our online RF stock photography. The use of our images are licensed for anywhere in the world.
  • Multiple use – The RF licence for our Royalty free stock includes a number of uses and in a variety of ways. Photos can be used on web sites, print, video and books.

Restrictions: RF licence forbids distributions in any way. You cannot use for t-shirts, mugs, advertising items or the like. (If in dbout about a particular image, please feel free to contact us),

NOTE: Many photos were taken at various locations and are not guaranteed to have copyright violations. As a buyer you understand that purchasing an RF license does not free you for any copyright violations. however, a large percentage of photos on this site have model and property releases. Again, feel free to contact us if you have questions about a particular photograph.